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Compare to neighboring 7542 cake, 8582 is bit more rough, slightly “simpler” but still beautiful on its own.

Number 85 refers to year of first production, 8 to grade of leaves and 2 is Menghai Tea Factory code.

Storage on this one was very clean but more humid, so heavier more darker notes of dark tobacco and honey are present. Each sip starts with the slight bitterness which immediately turns into sweetness.



8582 is more punchy in nature and I’ve heard it’s preferred by some Chinese people who are used to eat very spicy food. For them to feel the punch they brew is nice and thick.



I use less leaves and slightly longer brewing time. Outcome is outstanding. It can take you for the journey where each brews is developing on depth and clarity. It has a strong durability and fading gradually.



Menghai Tea Factory.

CNNP NeiFei (inner ticket)



*surface is made of many tiny buds and some of the corners are becoming loose .


*original 357g weight turned into 340-355g per cake.

1999 'Red Mark' 8582 ‘Sheng’ Pu-Erh

PriceFrom $11.70
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